Why More Time Off Isn’t the Answer

July 26, 20232 Min Read

Mothers have always needed more than paid time off, but never have the numbers made it so glaringly obvious.


Greater chance that working mothers will experience burnout than working fathers.

Maven, Parents at the Best Workplaces


Moms dropping out of the workforce within one year of having a baby.

Maven, Parents at the Best Workplaces

Our workplaces have evolved from where they’ve been in the past, but the present model is still lacking.

We’re still beating the benefits drum of more paid time off as though it’s the singular solution – and, yes, it helps – but it can also exacerbate the problem of feeling removed and isolated from the culture and community inherent in our professional lives.

Taking mothers out of the picture for longer doesn’t necessarily solve the problem.

Ultimately, it asks what’s outside to solve what’s inside as if we’re saying,

“With more time off, they’ll come back rested and ready.”

“With more time off, they’ll be able to get a handle on things at home.”

“With more time off, they’ll heal and deal and come back prepared.”

But that’s not how it works.

Benefits need to be holistic, not just reflective of the physical support for birth and childcare.

They need to take in every dimension of the whole human being, including their mental, social, intellectual and environmental health.

We do this by supporting you through The Motherhood Identity ShiftTM, an under-researched and unspoken transition every person goes through when they become a mother. And since 86% of women in the workplace become mothers at some point in their careers*, this can’t be ignored.

You can learn more about this shift on here, but we want to take it one step further.


The Debut Co. was created to take whole-person care out of simple theory and into deep practice, so all mothers are completely supported in their jobs, within their teams and by leadership. This starts with the tools and training to evolve past paid leave as the only solution to a problem that needs much broader consideration.

We can all do better and we’re here to help you get there.

*Reshma Saujani, author of Pay Up, 2022